When News Was More Than a Sentence or Two
“I’ve spent the past few weeks with a town crier attached to my wrist,” writes Joshua Benton in Nieman Reports, describing his recent experience wearing an Apple watch. He tells of the constant “thumps and buzzes” that seek to grab...
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Singer-Songwriter Launches Print Magazine
Proof positive that magazines are not just for mass market publishers any more: Jamie Cullum, noted UK singer-songwriter, recently talked about the success of his Eighty-Eight Journal. “If you focus on making something beautiful, original, interesting and lasting, brands will...
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Will Time Inc.’s Paywalls Drive Readers Toward Print?
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Earlier this week we talked about paywall strategies and what’s really behind them. In that article we mentioned that Time Inc. is planning to roll much of their content behind paywalls this summer. “Time Inc. is no longer willing to...
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6 Ways for Magazines to Build Their Future
We’ve written quite a bit lately about the new landscape of the publishing world, as brand marketers turn to journalism and magazines are being leveraged into successful multi-platform business models. While some magazines do continue to profit with the traditional...
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 A Deeper Look at Paywall Strategies
Selling a product these days provides much more than simply the revenue from that product. When done properly, it provides invaluable information about the purchaser, data that is often worth far more than the cost of admission. “Publishers launch paywalls...
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Mr. Magazine on Virtual Relationships…Sort Of
This tickled our funny bone, from our friend Samir “Mr. Magazine” Husni as quoted in Print Power: “Online or mobile magazines are not real. It’s only real if you can touch it, feel it, throw it across the room. I...
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Why Custom Print is the Next Big Thing
Ten years ago, content marketing was a new thing. Companies knew they needed it—even if only because their marketing execs said so—but many had no clear idea of why or how. One decade on, and content marketing has evolved into...
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SkyMall Taking Flight Again?
The skies of North America seemed a little less friendly when SkyMall announced its bankruptcy earlier this year. Now, six months later, an East Coast firm has scooped up the company’s assets for $1.9 million at auction. According to Myles...
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What Publishers Must Understand about Ingenuity in the Digital Age
Technology has altered everything about our lives, from how we wake in the morning to how we get ready for bed. And in the process of this massive shift, it’s also radically changed our ideas of how business should be...
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