Looking for Real Answers about Smartphones and Teens
LA Johnson/NPR Teen suicide. Depression. Bullying. Loss of focus. Modern tech – in particular, smartphone use – has been studied as a possible cause for all these alarming changes in young people. Yet Brian Resnick of Vox believes the answers...
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Privacy is a Rare Thing in the Age of Digital Gangsters
Digital gangsters. You know you’ve crossed a mighty big line when a government refers to your company in this way.According to David Pegg writing in The Guardian, the term was used by Damian Collins, committee chair for Parliament’s Digital, Culture,...
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Brands Flee YouTube as Pedophile Scandal Erupts
YouTube is in hot water again, and they are frantically trying to fix their image with Madison Avenue and major brand marketers. “The problem: Pedophiles are viewing videos of children, leave disturbing comments and then share links to even worse...
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When Those Digital Ads Stop Working
While the majority of companies were quite happy to slash their marketing budgets by turning to digital over the last 10 years or so, something appears to have gone off the rails. “Everything seemed to be running smoothly,” writes Alina...
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The Bold and the Beautiful with this Week’s Free Fonts
Around here we often say it’s not about the eyeballs; real metrics like engagement are what matter. But in the design world, sometimes it very much is about catching the eye. This week we present two free fonts that are...
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Publishers Cry Foul on Apple’s New Subscription Model
It was four years ago that D. B. Hebbard railed against Apple and the lousy way they treat magazine publishers. They are at it again … and we wonder what Hebbard would think of this. “Apple's upcoming Spotify-style magazine subscription...
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Before-and-after Teen Photos Reveal a Chilling Truth about Social Media
Image source: AdAge.com Does spending time in the digital wasteland really impact our mental health? Some say nonsense, but a growing body of research says yes. Now, creative agency M&C Saatchi released an original creative project designed to shed light...
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New York Times Goes Dark on Snapchat
Last summer, they squared off against Facebook over the platform’s political news policy. Now, the New York Times has quietly paused its Snapchat channel. What’s up with that? “The Times’ most recent edition is dated Dec. 21, 2018,” writes Kerry...
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Publishers are Winning Hearts … and Stomachs … with Dining Experiences
You’ll never look at a mall food court the same way after reading this. According to Kayleigh Barber in Folio:, several media brands are launching dining experiences as a way to provide a new, deeper touch point for their audiences....
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The Marriage of Print and Digital Works in Real Time at Hearst
Clearly the years she spent working in digital media helped Kate Lewis gain some incredible perspectives on consumer behavior. “That instant feedback that you get from digital is extraordinarily valuable, and I felt like that this would be a great...
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