Amazon to Prime Video Buyers … You Don’t Really Own That
Remember when Amazon said you don’t own the ebooks you purchased for your Kindle? Well, that goes for those Amazon Prime videos you may have purchased, too.  “In 2020, most of us buy more digital content than physical, whether it's...
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Traditional News Readers are Better Informed on the Truth
Want to truly understand the issues facing this country and the world? Look to traditional news organizations and print news for your information. “Americans who get most of their news from print sources tend to be better informed about key...
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How to Become Essential… to Your Readers and Your Ad Partners
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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Decent advice when things are humming along smoothly, but what about now, in the midst of a pandemic? Should publishers be looking to fix things, or wait it out? According to Bauer Media’s...
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Publishers Warned to Be Helpful… or Prepare for the Worst
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“The most read ever.” That’s what The Guardian and the Financial Times are saying about articles they’ve been publishing around coronavirus. “Over the last few weeks, The Guardian’s daily digital traffic has been up by a half year-on-year,” writes John...
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Marketing Messages in the Time of COVID-19
A fascinating thing is happening in my inbox. I’ve been deluged by emails from brands offering their take on the pandemic and what their company is doing about it. Some of this is quite useful … I’m happy to know...
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Just One in Five Consumers Say They Trust Sponsored Content
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It’s been a while since we’ve talked about native ads, aka sponsored content. It was big news a few years ago as publishers were searching for new revenue models. Back in 2016, the Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi shared his...
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Quality Attention – The One Thing Vanity Metrics Can’t Win You
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How many clicks? How many likes? How many shares? You’ve heard those questions asked; maybe you even ask them yourself as you try to understand if your marketing is “working.” Not only are you asking the wrong questions; this compulsion...
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Google to Close Incognito Loophole; Publishers Scrambling to Protect Paywalls
Paywall strategies are becoming more popular and effective, as publishers figure out how to monetize their content without relying so heavily on digital ad revenue. Good on them. Now though, they face a big challenge. Google is about to close...
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Ads, Paywalls or FreeWall – What Makes Sense for Media Brands?
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Engage with this one ad, and we’ll let you view the rest of the article ad-free. That’s the crux of “freewall” technology, a middle ground between intrusive online ads and a content paywall. Some big names in media and publishing...
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Publishers Finding Headaches in Paid Content Tech
The last two or three years we’ve seen plenty of publishers finding success with paid content strategies. Converting “free” readers to paying customers is more feasible now than it’s been in years, with readers willing to pay for quality content....
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