Facebook Playing Chess while Publishers are Playing Checkers
One analyst predicts the move to “platform publishing” will not end well for magazine media. That’s putting it mildly. The chorus is chiming in from all corners. A few days ago, Bloomberg Media’s Justin Smith said publishers were feeding on...
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Media Head: Publishers are “Feeding on Facebook’s Scraps”
Twitter\@MattNavarra Bloomberg Media’s Justin Smith says the social network makes far more money from news feed than news organizations do from linked traffic. Their content is keeping Facebook users happy, but the publishers that provide it are “feeding on the...
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Can Twitter Pull It Together?
Despite adding users, earnings are still below predictions and the Street is showing its displeasure. It’s adding users, staying relevant to existing fans and continues to be culturally relevant. So why can’t Twitter make a go of it on the...
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Fear and Loathing on Facebook
If you’re not “absolutely petrified” of FB’s empire-building tactics, you’re probably not paying attention says one publisher. “Absolutely petrified.” That’s how Neil Vogel, head of About.com, feels about the rise of distribution platforms like Facebook Instant Articles, Live Facebook, and...
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No Big Surprise: Publisher Traffic from Facebook Sinks
Some publishers saw their referral traffic crash last month, as FB pushes to keep readers inside its own content garden. Referral traffic from Facebook took a big hit last month for many of the big name publishers using the Facebook...
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Facebook’s Path to Suckerdom
One critic pulls no punches railing against publishers “fighting yesterday’s battles” with FB’s Instant Articles. Greg Krehbiel is nothing if not outspoken. His latest prediction? That publishers will, in just a few years, come to regret their decision to put...
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Will You Publish on Facebook’s Instant Articles?
When IA opens up to all in April, publishers will have to make some hard choices; at best it’s a calculated risk. “They’re better for readers on mobile devices.” That, in a nutshell, is Facebook’s primary reason why publishers should...
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What it’s Really Like for Publishers Using Facebook’s Instant Articles
At look at how the social platform publishing app is working from the folks using it most. Since spring of last year, a limited number of publishers have been allowed and encouraged to post their content directly onto Facebook using...
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Print-Based News Outlets Rule on Facebook
Why are print-based media outlets leading the pack on Facebook, instead of digital-born/digital-only sources? With the continual decline in newspaper subscriptions, one would think that a print brand’s audience on social media channels would tank, as well. Not so, according...
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Facebook Tweaks the Dial Away from Clickbait
New algorithm takes aim at those breathless, compelling “I was blown away” come-ons. “When I clicked on the video I couldn’t believe it!” We’ve all done it. We saw the post and couldn’t resist clicking…on the most adorable baby, the...
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