Pulizzi Drops a Bomb about Long Form Content
Hold on tight, folks. When Joe Pulizzi speaks, content strategists listen. And Pulizzi just dropped a bomb about the importance of long-form content – in-depth articles, detailed podcasts, longer videos, and custom brand magazines. Social media has changed the way...
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2017: The Year Your Content Does THIS
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Wondering what your content marketing should look like in 2017? In a word, it better get real. Good marketing content – king, queen, jack and aces of any successful brand strategy – is crucial in the digital age. And this...
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How Brands Work in our Brains
A thought-provoking look at how our brains work in relation to brands, and what this means to your business. “When is a brand alive?” It’s an intriguing question, addressed in detail in “The Physics of the Brand” by Aaron Keller,...
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Return to Sender; Email Unknown
Americans are completely tied to their emails, and your message is not getting through. If the results of a recent Adobe survey are any indication, marketers who rely on email for communication are facing some tough sledding. “Adobe today released...
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How Branded Print is Thriving in the Digital World
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Brand journalism is not only viable; when done right it’s a way to truly dominate your niche.Want to know the secret to brand journalism? Find a way to provide accurate, unbiased information that’s of real importance to your target audience.Deere...
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Hey Print, You Been Working Out?
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Yes, the recent research on print is great, but let’s not forget why print is so darn powerful. Lately, we’ve shared tons of stats and research on the power of print ads and their ability to bring in a big...
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The Dodgy Bull behind Video Viewership Numbers
The way platforms like FB measure video views gives a wildly inflated picture of what’s going on. Do brands get that? Facebook counts the “view” at the three-second mark (whether or not the viewer has turned on the sound) You...
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Where Will You Be When the Video Bubble Pops
Illustration: Jim Cooke Media companies are pouring resources into video, but it may not be the holy grail for much longer. Video, video, video. If you’re paying attention to the marketing strategy of late, that’s the prevailing paradigm, with companies...
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Runner’s World Strategy Has Definitely Got Legs
The new podcasts from the publisher guarantee they’ll be glued to their audience’s ears. Talk about a sweet spot! When you think of an audience that’s pretty hard to catch standing still, runners have got to be it. Yet the...
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The Oft-Ignored Story of Magazine Media Growth
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Despite challenges in measurement and reporting, the evidence of magazine media’s growth is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Something fascinating is happening in the magazine media industry, and it’s an often ignored story according to research consultant Marius Cloete, writing...
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