One Strategic Way to Boost 3 Important Brand KPIs 
Trust – it’s essential to brand growth. Marketers understand the role the trust has in building customer relations, which influences everything from lead generation to sales to referrals. Without trust, creative marketing might work for a while but won’t lead...
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The Lasting Value of the Leave-Behind
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“If you’re going to invest in print,” writes Raindrop’s Adam Wagner in Forbes, “make it amazing.” Wagner is talking about the strategic impact that print can make in your marketing, what he calls the “bow” on your brand experience. He...
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What 1 out of 3 Brands Already Knows about Print in your Content Marketing
It’s like the hidden secret that out here in plain sight. Only one in three marketers (in both B2B and B2C) use print in their content marketing strategy, according to research from the Content Marketing Institute. But of those who...
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Hey Print, Thanks for Getting All Emotional
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You probably know the feeling. You spend some time (minutes, even hours?) mindlessly slogging through your social feeds, going down the rabbit holes where the links lead you. You look up, and time has evaporated. And you feel…odd…somewhat detached from...
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CMI’s Joe Pulizzi on Why Mixing Your Media Could Be a Terrible Idea
Be everywhere – seems for most marketers the game these days is to cover as many media channels as possible.  Joe Pulizzi of the Content Marketing Institute relates a recent conversation he had with an Australian marketer who was taking...
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Is This the Best Printed Content Marketing Ever?
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When luxury automotive brand Audi set out to create a powerful content marketing strategy, they did it in a big way. According to Tasneem Mahbub in Print Power, they knew they wanted to publish truly innovative and meaningful branded content...
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Influencer Marketing, or Just More Clickbait?
At its inception, brands that looked to influencer marketing had worthwhile goals; engaging their fan base and potential customers in authentic, real-time conversation. And wow, has it backfired. David Hunegnaw, writing in Ad Age, explains how influencer marketing has effectively...
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A Profit-Centric Look at Content Marketing 
If you’re not making money from your content marketing, you’re doing it wrong. Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi is clear on that point. “Marketing, in its truest form, was meant to be a profit center,” he explains in a recent...
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“Easy” is not a Good Measuring Stick for Effective Marketing
“Don’t let the lack of time or the boundaries of a comfort zone completely dictate your marketing strategy.” This solid advice comes from Victor Clarke of Clarke Print | Web | Digital. After all, since when is fast, cheap and...
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Risky Design in the Contemporary Art Niche
Contemporary art magazine Frieze is undergoing a redesign, according to Sarah Dawood in Design Week. The magazine, which regularly includes art news, features, reviews and listings, is moving award from gorgeous and toward a more honest representation of current contemporary...
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