Freeport Press Blog

Insights and industry news from
printing experts

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You communicate to your audience in a variety of ways. We write about a variety of media formats and communication tools with an emphasis on print. We also cover paper and distribution, the USPS, social media, and more. We hope you’ll find enlightening posts that can enhance and educate you and your business.

All the News That’s Fit to Tweet
There’s a new report from the Pew Research Center making the rounds that highlights the...
Reality Check on the Digital Migration
H Bauer CEO David Goodchild pulls no punches when speaking about publishing in a multi-channel...
Understanding Print’s Luxurious Future
The industry in general has seen some surprising and counterintuitive trends of late, according to...
Publisher Channels Inner Jedi to Launch Star Wars Magazine
This one takes us right back to the days when we’d run down to the...
95 Brilliant Examples of Print Advertising
“In these days of viral videos, it’s easy to overlook the art of print ads,...
The More We Connect…
We are connected to friends all over the world…and worlds away from the people in...
Falling Victim to Scale
"Traditionally media businesses wanted scale because they wanted to influence as many people as possible...and...
Postage Rate Reduction? Too early to know.
There’s been talk in the industry about possible rate reductions in August, when the USPS...
Industry Forecast: 5 Years In, Print Will Still Dominate
Fast forward five years – everyone has a smartphone, smartwatch or smart-mobile-something. Digital content will...
What Lies Ahead for Publishers on Facebook
Nearly half of all adults who use the Internet get their news from Facebook. This...