How to Succeed in Magazines without Really Trying
When the right intern fills the right spot at the right publication, publishing magic can happen. While interns definitely aren’t expected to be experts in their field (yet), the best ones come equipped with a strong desire to learn. Christina...
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Where Have all the Computer Magazines Gone?
Funny what you can learn in an airport. On a recent trip home from Boston with my dad, our flight was delayed. We killed some time checking out the airport newsstands, like we usually do, hoping to find a good...
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Digital Publishers See Ad Value in Magazines
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When big name digital companies like Yahoo, Say Media and Flipboard start talking about the value of creating magazines, you better believe that people are taking notice. Lucia Moses in Digital Day writes about the trend in “Why digital publishers...
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For Domino Magazine, Less Means More 
Following the publishing trends of higher quality and lower circulation, Domino magazine seems to be making a solid comeback since re-launching last fall. The magazine, which originally debuted as a mass-market monthly but shuttered during the recession, is now a quarterly...
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Newspapers and Magazines Moving Further Apart
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Newspapers and magazines are often lumped into the same box when talking about our industry. Yes, they have their similarities but increasingly, their differences are becoming more apparent.   This appears to be the reason behind the Newspaper Publishers Association...
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Is Print Going the Way of Vinyl?
The magazine industry is in a state of enormous flux. Pricing challenges, circulation changes, new platforms, massive shakeups on the distribution side: Just about everything we thought we knew about the business is changing. And D.B. Hebbard of Talking New Media...
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Issuu Takes Social Sharing to the Next Level
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Issuu is hot, and getting hotter. The world’s fastest growing digital publishing platform (according to a press release on Talking New Media) has just upped the game for social content sharing. Their new interactive Clip product gives readers “the ability...
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Leverage Print Technology to Boost Ad Sales
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When you think of advances in advertising technology, print might not be the first medium that comes to mind. “At first glance, a printed magazine seems simple -- too simple to be worth discussing in an issue focused on publishing...
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Is Ad Space Enough for Advertisers?
Has the publishing industry inadvertently devalued its own print ad space? Some industry experts think so, after years of giving advertisers list rentals, web ads and event sponsorship thrown into their annual ad proposals to sweeten the deal. “The value-add...
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Regional Interest Magazines Continue Their Hot Streak
Craft beer, good music and magazines: It’s a winning combination for a publishing industry that is continuing to innovate and launch new titles this year. Seems magazines still have great appeal for readers who want to engage in their local...
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