Postal Rate Rollback Looking More Likely
With the end of the exigency surplus collection in sight, mailers may be in for some relief in the form of lower rates. But don’t expect it to last. Earlier this month, the USPS submitted a new rate chart expected...
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More is Less at the USPS
That 3.3% increase in operating revenues covers as actual loss of a quarter billion. For years now, mainstream media has been speculating the coming demise of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). It’s become painfully obvious that reforms need to happen...
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What We REALLY Think about the Postal Service
Annual survey sheds light on the disconnect between mailing industry professionals and the folks at the beleaguered USPS. Is the USPS doing a good job as a partner to the mailing industry? Mailing Systems Technology was anxious to find out...
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BS from the BLS on the USPS?
One industry insider thinks the Labor Bureau has it all wrong regarding big staffing cuts at the Post Office. If you listen to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Post Office is going to be losing employees like crazy over...
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2016 Postal Promos at a Glance
Looking to save on postage in the coming year? Take these programs into account while you’re planning next year’s DM projects. Many thanks to Erv Drewek of Graphic Communications for putting together a nice set of links to the 2016...
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Lawmakers Look to Make Exigent Hike Permanent
New legislation could wipe out the planned return to previous rates. Saying that the Postal Service needs an extension on the exigency rate hike, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del) has sponsored  legislation that could make those rates permanent for at least...
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Postal Jobs to Remain Stable in 2016
No big cuts in work force, but plenty of operating losses predicted at the USPS for the coming year. “Don't look for any major downsizing from the U.S. Postal Service during the coming year: A new report indicates the postal...
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USPS Lost 5 Billion This Year
The numbers are mind-numbing as the postal service logs its ninth year in the red. Even with increased revenue, the USPS has managed to lose more than $5 billion this fiscal year. “Operating revenue grew $1.1 billion to $68.9 billion,...
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Is This How George Jetson Gets His Mail?
Forget about robot maids; it’s the future of mail that’s really up in the air. Kathy Siviter, a new member of the crew at PostalVision2020, is a fan of the latest partnerships between print and technology to create “the mail...
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New Senate Postal Reform Bill Freezes Rates Through January 2018, Bakes Exigency Into Rate Base
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), the ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, today introduced the Improving Postal Operations, Service, and Transparency Act of 2015 (iPOST). Designed to strengthen a similar bill he introduced two years ago in...
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