More Publishers Sign On to Apple News
Plenty of publishers seem willing to gamble on the app-based news feed concept. What do you do if you’re a news publisher and your ads are at risk of being blocked on a massive scale? You do what several dozen...
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The Ad Blocking Revolution is Only Months Away
Charles Arthur has an interesting take on what could happen this fall when Apple releases iOS 9 with the ability to use adblockers next month. Arthur notes that “websites are getting overloaded with ads, beacons, trackers and scripts that are...
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How iOS9 Can Help Publishers Boost Digital Subscriptions
There’s been a lot of talk about some key changes coming in iOS9 this fall. The demise of the Apple Newsstand, for one, is probably a really good thing for publishers and should help improve reader retention. And the much-discussed...
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Apple Watch Makes Its Media Debut… in Print 
[responsive][/responsive]The Apple Watch makes its inaugural media appearance next month, “gracing the cover of Vogue China,” according to Mark Bergen in Advertising Age, with a cover shot that makes the watch look like an absolute must-have. “Vogue China is following...
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3 Minutes of Apple’s Awesome Sauce
[responsive][/responsive]It’s the quintessential tech start-up dream: Humble beginnings to world domination. Fast Company provides a three-minute look at Apple’s transformation from garage band to rock stars. “Steves Jobs and Wozniak lived the original Silicon Valley creation myth when they built...
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Apples to Apples: But Could They Publish?
[responsive][/responsive]“If Apple were a newspaper or a magazine company within a decade it would no longer be a newspaper or magazine company.” So states D. B. Hebbard in Talking New Media, citing the transformation of the company from a personal...
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Steve Jobs on SI iPad Demo: “It’s Stupid”
[responsive][/responsive]Remember how the iPad was going to save the magazine industry? Yeah, neither do we but for a while there it did look like publishers were taking the idea of tabletized magazines to the virtual bank. And while the current...
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Apple Users Prefer to Stream, Not Buy
Buy a digital magazine? No thanks, I’ll just stream the feed. This seems to be the trend in online publishing, much the same way music lovers have flocked to streaming radio instead of buying their music content. “The first inkling...
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