More Magazines, Less Frequency the Trend?
The numbers are in for Q3 launch numbers; new titles are slightly up from a year ago. One hundred ninety four new titles hit the nation’s newsstands in Q3 of this year, edging out the same quarter last year by...
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Fabulous Beekman Boys Now Appearing in Print
[responsive][/responsive]Call it the “farm to page” concept of publishing. Meredith is partnering with Beekman 1802 to launch a new lifestyle magazine called the Beekman 1802 Almanac. “Beekman 1802 was started in 2008 when former advertising exec Josh Kilmer-Purcell and his...
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Digital Alone Won’t Cut it for one Lifestyle Publisher
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Another lifestyle magazine is making news, this time in Lagos, Nigeria. (Can we just say that this is beginning to be the norm rather than the exception? Lifestyle magazines are indeed a “thing” and more marketers are realizing the impressive...
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Spoiler Alert – E-book Sales Slumping
Is there more to the recent reports of e-book declines than meets the eye? It’s a plot twist worthy of best-seller status. After a few years of meteoric growth that some said threatened the livelihood of the print book industry,...
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Print Called “Effortless” Environment for Luxury Marketers
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WSJ Magazine sees higher ad page numbers for their September issues. Print’s detractors will often say that the tangible benefits of reading in print are largely over-romanticized and not solid reasons for advertising there. But according to one publisher, this...
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Viva the Printer in this new Multi-Channel Space
Shifting strategies and new adaptations lead to a rethinking of what it means to be a printer in today’s marketplace. “For centuries, the printing industry flourished as consumers had increasingly more disposable income to spend on goods such as books...
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Why So Many Retailers are Turning to Print
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Just selling products these days isn’t enough… the truly successful retailers are selling a lifestyle. It’s been called the “secret weapon” of luxury retailers, as more and more online merchants turn to editorial content, and particularly print magazines, to help...
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How Digital Has Elevated the Magazine
"If you’re going to do print, do it properly,” states Delayed Gratification’s co-founder Rob Orchard. “That means high-quality production and lovely paper stock that feels, smells, and looks good. It means investing in content and making something [readers] genuinely want.”...
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A Tale of Two Magazines
It’s easy to take the negative about the magazine industry…but one writer was inspired to dig deeper and see what’s really going on. Apologies to Dickens, but maybe ones’ view of the industry as the “best of times” or the...
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“Entertainment Tonight” Debuts in Print
They started on TV and have done a remarkable job of creating a growing online presence. And now “Entertainment Tonight” is clicking to a new channel and launching a series of print magazines. “The series of special edition collectible magazines...
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