Print Boom: Bookstores are Up and Paper is Back
U. S. Census Bureau data shows a resurgence in bookstore sales. For many, it’s “paper, all the way” and always will be. For book lover Sabrina McKay-Jones, the choice for reading material is clear: “Paper, all the way. Paper,” she...
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Is Technology Hurting Student Progress?
One study shows that student math scores actually drop after getting a computer at home. What’s going on? What happens when we give kids a tool to help them learn, but at the same time offers them huge potential for...
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Marginalia and the Endurance of Print Books
One Millennial explains why he’ll “never give up reading real books.” We haven’t heard this answer before, and we love it. “Once in a while, I go through the process of deciding which books to donate, but usually the idea...
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I’ll See Your E-Book and Raise You Two Real Books
For Millennials, maybe the constant use of a screen has made the experience of reading a printed book an enjoyable oddity. Or is there more to it? Back when e-books were surging in popularity, intense hand-wringing by a cadre of...
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Hey Print, Good Work in 2015
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It was seventeen years ago that the e-reader was introduced to consumers, notes Jenny Shank in MediaShift. And while the technology has wrought enormous changes on the way we publish, market and purchase books, it hasn’t changed one fundamental fact:...
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Against All Odds: Print Books Making a Comeback
Sales of physical books in the U.S. edge up over 2014 levels. “For the last half decade, ever since digital books and e-readers first came on the scene, news headlines have been at war,” writes Amy X. Wang in Quartz....
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A Year of Gorgeous Books on Design
A look at the best design books from 2015, chosen by the team at Print magazine. What’s December for if not year-end best-of lists? This one’s perfect reading for the design fans out there…and awesome gift ideas if you’ve got...
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Amazon the Disruptor Goes Brick and Mortar
Even the king of digital commerce knows that real books and real bookstores have huge appeal. For a book lover, this is major news. Amazon – that king of commerce disruption that many claimed caused the demise of the brick...
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Designers, What’s On Your Bookshelf?
In spite of all the ways we can consume media, designers still love their books. Invision was curious. With all the way designers can now consume media, are books still relevant? And just what books are they reading these days?...
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Young Adults Most Likely to Read Books
It’s a bit surprising to learn that the kids born as digital natives are actually more into books than their parents or grandparents. Kids these days. You just can’t pry them away from their smartphones, right? Sure, it’s easy to...
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