Looking for Real Answers about Smartphones and Teens
LA Johnson/NPR Teen suicide. Depression. Bullying. Loss of focus. Modern tech – in particular, smartphone use – has been studied as a possible cause for all these alarming changes in young people. Yet Brian Resnick of Vox believes the answers...
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When Those Digital Ads Stop Working
While the majority of companies were quite happy to slash their marketing budgets by turning to digital over the last 10 years or so, something appears to have gone off the rails. “Everything seemed to be running smoothly,” writes Alina...
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Publishers Cry Foul on Apple’s New Subscription Model
It was four years ago that D. B. Hebbard railed against Apple and the lousy way they treat magazine publishers. They are at it again … and we wonder what Hebbard would think of this. “Apple's upcoming Spotify-style magazine subscription...
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Why Digital Minimalism is Taking Off
Marie Kondo set the bar for decluttering our physical spaces. The trend is moving to the workplace too, as experts urge us to declutter our office spaces. But what about our digital lives? Can a radical shift in philosophy there...
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Whoa There, Influencers, It’s Time for a Reality Check
It’s starting to look like 2019 is the year social media gets a beat-down and a shake-up. From Apple blocking an internal Facebook app to calls for increased regulation on social platforms, it appears the public has finally had it....
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An Insider’s Look at the Digital Media Wasteland
John DeVore has seen a thing or two in the 20 years he’s been working online. “I am a writer and an editor who launched his first site in 1999,” DeVore writes in Medium. “Since then, I have either launched...
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Condé Nast to Put All Their Titles Behind Paywalls by End of This Year
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Three years ago, it was evident that Condé Nast was somehow defying the so-called digital erosion. At the time, Nicholas Coleridge said his company’s sales had held up well, and the feared “demise” of the print magazine hadn’t materialized.  “Ninety percent...
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It’s the Age of Experience, and Your Customers Want What they Want
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Last year we talked a lot about the synergy between print and digital; in fact they’ve been called the new marketing power couple. Marketers have learned the hard way that “easy” is not a good measuring stick for effective marketing, and the digital-only...
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Finger in the Air or Fully Accountable?
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There’s plenty of evidence that print “still” works, despite the rise of digital. We see digital-first brands launching magazines, Amazon mailing a print toy catalog, and a shift in the fashion industry from mass market to branded print. Yes, it’s...
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Paper or Digital, Consumers Want Choice
Hard to imagine, but there are still a lot of companies out there spreading the “greenwashing” myth. “Environmentally-conscious consumers rely on corporate messages to inform their purchasing choices,” explains this article in Two Sides NA.  “Yet, it is not uncommon...
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