Looking for ROI in All the Wrong Places
Want a real return in this age of digital fraud and waste? Think mail.  Recent figures from Target Marketing show that the majority of advertisers are planning to increase their digital spend this year, even in the face of massive...
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Heck Yeah, Verizon, On Dropping the Greenwashing
Shout out to Verizon for (finally) removing its green e-billing claims from its website. It seems they can hear us now after all. Verizon can finally hear us now. After a three-year letter writing campaign from Two Sides, the telecommunications...
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Vogue Goes Big in the Fashion Niche
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Vogue’s been putting on a little weight lately, and the title sure does carry it well. “Have you gained weight? You look fantastic!” “The May issue [of Vogue] is a physical inch wider than past issues, $1 more expensive on...
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This is What Real Innovation Looks Like
The key to surviving in publishing today? It takes brave leadership with an unwavering commitment to innovation at all levels.  What’s the biggest obstacle to positive change in the magazine industry? According to Chris Llewellyn, president and CEO of FIPP,...
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Digital Devices Have a Concrete Problem
Using digital devices keeps us from thinking in the abstract and seeing the big picture; what science is learning about our screen time. “You have a glazed look in your eye; stunned, stupefied, anesthetized, lobotomized…” says Zelda Fitzgerald to the...
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