Seth Godin on Mass Media: So Close
Seth Godin is usually spot on when he blogs about marketing and advertising in today’s connection economy. Last week, he came so close to disclosing a new truth about the magazine industry that we have to wonder if he left...
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Yes, Mobile Ad Blocking is Good for (Almost) Everyone
There’s an interesting conundrum in the world of mobile advertising that’s not getting much attention in the recent spate of news on Apple’s ad blocking interface. “What's remarkable and timely about enabling ad-blocking on mobile is that it collides with...
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Print Called “Effortless” Environment for Luxury Marketers
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WSJ Magazine sees higher ad page numbers for their September issues. Print’s detractors will often say that the tangible benefits of reading in print are largely over-romanticized and not solid reasons for advertising there. But according to one publisher, this...
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Don’t Blame Digital for the Crumbling Newsstand
It’s tempting to say people just don’t want to read in print. But is digital media really to blame for lower newsstand sales? Marina Haydn of The Economist is not shy about calling out publishers for their own role in...
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Viva the Printer in this new Multi-Channel Space
Shifting strategies and new adaptations lead to a rethinking of what it means to be a printer in today’s marketplace. “For centuries, the printing industry flourished as consumers had increasingly more disposable income to spend on goods such as books...
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Scarcity over Scale – When Size Doesn’t Matter
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Two publishers explain why mass market is not the value proposition that their advertisers are looking for. “When anyone can buy traffic, what value does the marketer get from that? And what is unique about that audience?” Breaking Media’s CEO...
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Is Your Content Good Enough for Print?
These 10 print magazine tips will make you a master online content creator. While they might not admit it publicly, the best online content creators understand that they can learn a lot from good old print. “[Fans of the Internet]...
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Why So Many Retailers are Turning to Print
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Just selling products these days isn’t enough… the truly successful retailers are selling a lifestyle. It’s been called the “secret weapon” of luxury retailers, as more and more online merchants turn to editorial content, and particularly print magazines, to help...
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How Digital Has Elevated the Magazine
"If you’re going to do print, do it properly,” states Delayed Gratification’s co-founder Rob Orchard. “That means high-quality production and lovely paper stock that feels, smells, and looks good. It means investing in content and making something [readers] genuinely want.”...
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A Tale of Two Magazines
It’s easy to take the negative about the magazine industry…but one writer was inspired to dig deeper and see what’s really going on. Apologies to Dickens, but maybe ones’ view of the industry as the “best of times” or the...
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