How iOS9 Can Help Publishers Boost Digital Subscriptions
There’s been a lot of talk about some key changes coming in iOS9 this fall. The demise of the Apple Newsstand, for one, is probably a really good thing for publishers and should help improve reader retention. And the much-discussed...
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Why Digital Ads are Losing Value at an Alarming Rate
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Matthew Ingram, writing in Fortune, waxes nostalgic for a moment in a recent article. “Back in the good old days of traditional media, advertisers and publishers were the best of friends. Publishers of newspapers and magazines and other things enjoyed...
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Two out of Three Adults Do THIS 2-3 Times a Month
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Digital magazine researchers find a surprising number of respondents read a lot of print titles. It was designed to quantify digital magazine readership, but the results of the Digital Magazine Publishing Study and Handbook from Mequoda uncovered a surprising  thing...
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Designers: Move to Digital is “Too Far, Too Fast”
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Young designers, fresh out of school with an arsenal of digital design skills, may think they have the world by a string. In reality, they better brush up on their print skills, as print projects will likely play a large...
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Screen Addiction is Hurting Our Kids
It seems like something out of a dystopian novel: a darkened room, a teenager transfixed to the screen for hours at a time, unwilling or even unable to pull himself away for food, water, a bathroom break. Yet in China,...
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Irony at Apple in Viral Ad Patent
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In April, we told you about Facebook's patent application to create a new kind of ad exchange for digital content. This month, FB and Apple both announced partnerships to host news media content that has traditionally run on publisher channels....
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Multi-channel Ads Work in Favor of Print
Talking about current trends and future predictions is “all well and good,” but according to industry analyst Guy Consterdine, it’s not enough to talk theoreticals and stats. Rather we need to ask “What are the consumers telling us? What do...
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Lost in Translation: Why Print Writing Doesn’t Work Online
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As brands embrace journalism, one of the ideals they work toward is often “content re-use.” In theory it’s a great idea; use content that lives in one channel or format and repurpose it to another. For example, if you have...
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Will Time Inc.’s Paywalls Drive Readers Toward Print?
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Earlier this week we talked about paywall strategies and what’s really behind them. In that article we mentioned that Time Inc. is planning to roll much of their content behind paywalls this summer. “Time Inc. is no longer willing to...
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Mr. Magazine on Virtual Relationships…Sort Of
This tickled our funny bone, from our friend Samir “Mr. Magazine” Husni as quoted in Print Power: “Online or mobile magazines are not real. It’s only real if you can touch it, feel it, throw it across the room. I...
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