Looking for Real Answers about Smartphones and Teens
LA Johnson/NPR Teen suicide. Depression. Bullying. Loss of focus. Modern tech – in particular, smartphone use – has been studied as a possible cause for all these alarming changes in young people. Yet Brian Resnick of Vox believes the answers...
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What’s Happening to Our Teens? A Troubling Wake-up Call
Jean Twenge is not a nostalgist, stuck in a hopeless longing for the good old days. She’s a professor of psychology at San Diego State University who has been researching generational differences for more than 25 years. What she’s learning...
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Teens Snub e-Books; Choose Print
Calling the results “surprising,” an Australian research finds that teens are still choosing print over digital, in spite of the availability of e-readers and e-books. “Joint research conducted by Melbourne’s Deakin University and Perth’s Murdoch University has found teenagers are...
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