Kids, Screen Time and Their Brains … What One Pediatrician Learned
“It’s not how long we’re using screens that really matters; it’s how we’re using them and what’s happening in our brains in response.”That’s the conclusion Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Boston Child’s...
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Your Phone Addiction is Killing You
Our digitally-connected lifestyle is taking a heavy toll on our health. According to an article in Magazine Media, our collective phone addiction is changing how our brains work and creating harmful stress hormones. (Note: the original article linked above is...
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8 Proven Health Benefits to Reading (Real) Books
We usually talk about print in terms of how it fits into the marketing landscape. Today, I’m taking a different approach, not related to business at all: I want to share with you some important information about your health. Abigail...
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