Where the Real Ad Money Is (Hint: It Ain’t Video)
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Desperation is rarely a good place from which to make a sound business decision. And yet… Video, video and more video. It’s the current rallying cry of the modern marketer, with dollars being poured into digital video channels at a...
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The Dodgy Bull behind Video Viewership Numbers
The way platforms like FB measure video views gives a wildly inflated picture of what’s going on. Do brands get that? Facebook counts the “view” at the three-second mark (whether or not the viewer has turned on the sound) You...
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Where Will You Be When the Video Bubble Pops
Illustration: Jim Cooke Media companies are pouring resources into video, but it may not be the holy grail for much longer. Video, video, video. If you’re paying attention to the marketing strategy of late, that’s the prevailing paradigm, with companies...
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Leading Agency Says Pfffft to Digital Ads
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A leading global media agency has come out publicly dismissing the effectiveness of investing in digital media campaigns. Wow. “Last week, Group M released a report called ‘Interaction 2016’, which got plenty of attention here on MediaPost,” writes Maarten Albarda....
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Quality Video Creation on a Budget
How a phone and a creative mindset created a film festival darling. YouTube is the third-most-visited website on the planet, with users logging more than four billion video views a day, according to Craig Smith in DMR. And still only...
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