If you’ve followed our posts at all, you’ve likely seen me write about the need for publishers to help their ad partners understand the true value of print magazine ads. Last year we put together a list of resources to help your sales team. More recently, we shared information on helping advertisers create the right messages during the Covid-19 crisis. And we joined the voices calling on the publishing industry to raise awareness of the value of advertising during tough times.
Today I’m sharing an excellent example of this kind of advocacy in full swing, as Bauer Media announces a task force designed to help their ad partners create the right tone and messaging that will appeal to a locked-down audience.
“[Bauer Adventure] has been created in response to advertisers’ changing needs, whether that’s help in finessing their existing creative to ensure it has the appropriate messaging and tone for lockdown or support for smaller advertisers with ad creative in absence of furloughed staff,” notes a Bauer press release. “It also builds on insights that have been gathered from on-going Bauer Media research into changing consumer behaviour and attitudes since lockdown.”
These changes in our audiences – including less loyalty and more likelihood of switching brands – make it more critical that advertisers engage on welcome and trusted platforms now. Bauer research found that “99% of audiences are currently willing to accept an alternative product/brand to usual, with 91% having already switched brands since the outbreak.” Some of this can no doubt be traced to shortages or lack of access to favorite brands, yet 76% of those folks say they intend to stick with the new brands they’ve tried, and are more willing to try new brands in the future.
If a brand thinks they can sit this out and not engage during the tough times, they need to reconsider based on the realities of what our audiences are thinking.
“It is more critical than ever for brands to use the right messaging and tone in their advertising as consumers become increasingly more judgemental and open to brand switching,” said Lucy Wheeler, Director of Bauer Adventure. “Our new service will provide clear, cost-effective and fast turnarounds to ensure our clients can communicate with their customers appropriately and thus stay relevant. We’re dedicated to supporting and helping our customers find ways to maintain their business throughout the lockdown and beyond.”
While your publishing company many not have the resources of Bauer Adventure behind it, it certainly has the talent … and hopefully the motivation and commitment … to help ad partners craft the right messaging and avoid the pitfalls of “disastertising.” It’s time to work harder than ever before for our ad partners and their success.
July 16, 2020, 6:04 pm
July 21, 2020, 3:47 am
August 12, 2020, 1:31 pm