Freeport Press promoted a 14-question survey (added 7 questions vs. 2016 edition) to a variety of magazine readers in the North America – demographics chart below. The survey was open for 3 days in September 2017 and generated 1080 responses. 1025 responses were solicited through Survey Monkey. The rest were in response to a promotion to the Freeport Press Newsletter audience.
When it comes to our magazines, we read more, read longer and subscribe more often to print than digital.
While publishers talk about embracing the digital future of their publications, ordinary people like you and me still prefer to read a good glossy.
These findings come out of an informal survey we conducted of over a thousand North American consumers. We asked fourteen key questions about the type, subscriptions and time with magazines they had read in the past month, to see if we could draw any conclusions. This year we also inquired about website visits, time spent there plus social media.
It appears more people are engaged with their print magazines than their digital ones. Another interesting result was how little magazines are “followed” via social media. Not that content isn’t found in feeds but that many respondents indicated they are not directly following magazine sources via social media.
Some key findings:

25.8% of respondents had NOT read a print magazine this past month. Nearly 44% have read 1 or 2. 30% have read 3 or more print magazines.

59% of respondents had NOT read a digital magazine this past month. 27% have read 1 or 2. Only 14% have read 3 or more digital magazines.

45% do not subscribe to print magazines. 32% of respondents subscribe to 1-2 print magazines. 23% subscribe to 3 or more.

76% do NOT subscribe to any digital magazines. 17.2% subscribe to 1-2 digital magazines. Only 7% subscribe to 3 or more.

22% don’t read print magazines. 16% spend up to 10 minutes. 35% spend up to 30 minutes in print. 18% spend up to 60 minutes. 9% spend MORE than 60 minutes!

54% don’t read digital magazines. 21% spend up to 10 minutes. 18% spend up to 30 minutes in print. 4% spend up to 60 minutes. 3% spend more than 60 minutes.

22% don’t read print magazines. 16% spend up to 10 minutes. 35% spend up to 30 minutes in print. 18% spend up to 60 minutes. 9% spend more than 60 minutes.

54% don’t read digital magazines. 21% spend up to 10 minutes. 18% spend up to 30 minutes in print. 4% spend up to 60 minutes. 3% spend more than 60 minutes.

46% don’t visit magazine websites. 8% visit maybe once a year. 23% visit a few times a year. 14% visit a few times a month. 7% visit a few times per week and 2.5% visit daily.

54% don’t visit magazine websites. 33% visit 1-2 different magazine websites. 10% visit 3-4 different magazine websites. 4% visit 5 or more different magazine websites.

51% don’t visit magazine websites. 28% who visit spend up to 10 minutes on the site. 16% spend up to 30 minutes on the site. 3.3% spend up to 60 minutes and 2% spend more than 60 minutes on the site.

75% of our survey takers do not follow magazine content on social media. 7% follow 1 magazine, 12% follow 2-3 magazines, 4% follow 4-5 magazines on social media. Only 1% follow 6-10 and about 1.2% follow more than 10 magazines on social media.

72% don’t follow magazine content on social media. 17% spend up to 10 minutes with magazine content on social media. 7% spend up to 30 minutes, 2% spend up to 60 minutes and 2% spend more than 60 minutes.
As an aside, we left space for people to jot down their own comments, it was not a required field. What we found was telling. 539 of the 1080 respondents took the time to note their preference. Instead of us picking and choosing the comments that promote print we decided to list them in their entirety below. It’s a long list – we’ll let you draw your own conclusions.
To be sure, our survey was not meant to be a scientifically thorough bit of research, but through it, we hoped to better understand today’s readers and what they like. We believe, for magazines, the value of print stands strong.
* Remember 1025 responses were solicited through Survey Monkey out of the 1080 responses. Also, the 55 nonsolicited responses are NOT included in our demographics above.
“Any thoughts on the magazines? Prefer print? Like digital versions? Just Social Media?”
I prefer print. But, I’m a publisher. I wonder how many people on your email list will, by virtue of their work in the industry, will be partial to print and therefore skew your results.*
9/27/2017 11:36 AM
I’ll look at home and lifestyle mags on social media and scroll through the photos, but I don’t read anything or look at ads. For online trade mags, I’ll grudgingly look at a pdf but won’t zoom in. I prefer print gor reading articles and ads.
9/27/2017 10:30 AM
I tend to read articles that interest me that appear in my email or social media feed, mainly having to do with LOCAL content. I also browse several retail catalogues.
9/26/2017 10:18 PM
Definitely prefer print.
9/26/2017 5:26 PM
Prefer print
9/26/2017 5:20 PM
I’m 100% print when it comes to consuming magazines.
9/26/2017 2:39 PM
I work on a computer all day, every day. When I read, I like a magazine in print or a book in print. It is much more relaxing and enjoyable to hold something in my hand while reading.
9/26/2017 2:34 PM
I prefer print. I retain information much better in print, and I find it easier to go grab an old issue when I need an old article as opposed to trying to find an article on the internet. Sometimes you can waste hours trying to find an article you read online. If it’s in print, you know exactly where it is!
9/26/2017 1:20 PM
Print rocks. No login, password or cord/battery required. Digital OK as backup, or on road. Social Media is the world’s biggest time-waster. I loathe it and ignore 99% of FB etc. notifications.
9/26/2017 1:19 PM
I don’t follow magazines on social I follow topics. It’s easier for me to review topics trending across various media on social than in print.
9/26/2017 1:07 PM
I like to hold what I am reading especially when outdoors. If the weather changes; my magazines will dry out. Relying on an electronic screen, battery or power, a safe connection to access the internet to operate my electronic device and remembering where I left off on many topics is very differcult to remember. Print magazines are easier on you eyes, can be taken anywhere, and placing bookmarks in several magizines at a time makes life awhole lot simplier.
9/26/2017 1:06 PM
Print works for me; digital is okay, but it’s soul-less!
9/26/2017 12:49 PM
It’s easier to read print magazines. It’s also more relaxed, since PC time is more often associated with work rather than leisure. Who wants to spend all day at “the tube” at work, then come home and do the same?
9/26/2017 12:21 PM
I prefer PRINT, but understand there are certain things that can only be presented in digital (videos etc) I prefer to use the Digital Magazine as an enhancement to a magazine, rather than a replacement.
9/26/2017 11:46 AM
I have always preferred my printed materials to digital and social options. With computer use a necessity in the workplace I look forward to the relaxing effect of hard copy!
9/26/2017 11:45 AM
Prefer print, the digital that I do read comes from having the print subscription. When I receive a story(via email) that is interesting to me that will not be in the printed copy I will read it. I’m on the computer a lot during the day and get tired of looking at the screen, so its not something I want to do at night.
9/26/2017 11:34 AM
There are several print magazines I used to subscribe to but quit due to financial reasons. I do miss them. If one story pops up on Social media, I’ll read it, but don’t consume the entire magazine like I would if it were in print.
9/26/2017 11:28 AM
Though I subscribe to digital versions, I seldom read them and end up unsubscribing. Also, after spending 50 or more hours a week in front of a screen for work, I don’t want to consume content via a screen or device.
9/26/2017 11:22 AM
I prefer reading print over digital. One of the digital magazines I read is not available in print.
9/26/2017 11:16 AM
Prefer print, but appreciate the immediate access of digital, also.
9/26/2017 11:14 AM
Prefer print and social media
9/26/2017 11:11 AM
Prefer print
9/26/2017 11:10 AM
Both remain in the media equation. The medium isn’t the message. The MEDIA is the message.
9/26/2017 11:10 AM
digital is too hard to read
9/26/2017 11:09 AM
I think I savor my print magazines more than digital because it’s there waiting where I left it, it’s larger & I can “feel” the pages.
9/26/2017 11:08 AM
I use digital for quick nuggets of info. Prefer magazines when I want to absorb the content.
9/26/2017 11:07 AM
Prefer print and social media
9/26/2017 11:06 AM
9/26/2017 10:57 AM
I prefer print to any digital content. I skip over digital ads without even looking at them. I look at print magazine ads. I do like pinterest and facebook, but spend very little time there. Usually 5 minutes a week, just scanning content, not ads.
9/26/2017 10:56 AM
I’m a huge digital junky. When I read magazine, i go immediately to websites of things I like or want more info on. Then I follow those people or companies on their social media. I haven’t found the digital magazines to be better than print. Too cumbersome to download, some require log ins, etc. Though I do read less magazines than before.
9/26/2017 10:55 AM
Magazines are the ultimate media source, creating an intimate experience with no interruption. A source I can refer to time and time again to easily find my favorite article or product.
9/26/2017 10:55 AM
When it’s important, print for sure.
9/26/2017 10:55 AM
I feel more clearly connected to print content than digital. I may look up digital information from a print piece, but I rarely take action on digital pieces.
9/26/2017 10:54 AM
I begrudgingly gave up reading print margarines except for a few that I am sent for free at work. I still read actual newspapers because I believe the headlines and layout provide context for how the news is perceived by others. I don’t think that’s the case with magazines. I am on the internet and social media throughout my day, every day, so it’s just more convenient. Frankly it’s more efficient as well. Thanks!
9/26/2017 10:53 AM
9/26/2017 10:52 AM
Like the digital versions as they are mobile optimized and easy access from tablet technology.
9/26/2017 10:52 AM
Prefer print. Can go back and forth easier. Can browse. Can lean back and relax instead of leaning forward with a mouse and a keyboard in front of me. Can save and refer back. Notice a magazine even when not intending to read, and might get absorbed in it. This does not happen on digital magazines.
9/26/2017 10:52 AM
No preference. I go where the decent content is, although I enjoy the focus I get with print.
9/26/2017 10:50 AM
If I see an article on social media that looks interesting, I will go to the website.
9/26/2017 10:49 AM
Prefer print
9/26/2017 9:18 AM
I still get excited every time a new issue arrives in the mail. There is nothing quite like sitting down, shutting off all the noise and diving into a print magazine.
9/26/2017 8:52 AM
9/26/2017 8:10 AM
I prefer print.
9/26/2017 7:41 AM
Love print. Digital being interactive is enjoyable second.
9/26/2017 12:48 AM
National geographic magazines and gun magazines are favorites of mine.
9/25/2017 11:23 PM
Social Media
9/25/2017 11:18 PM
9/25/2017 10:55 PM
I prefer the portability of the digital version but reading can be difficult due to small fonts on my phone.
9/25/2017 10:54 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 10:51 PM
Digital has so much unutilized potential. If digital versions of magazines offered a significant difference in content, it might make me read both
9/25/2017 10:48 PM
Through apps
9/25/2017 10:46 PM
I prefer print, but overall I don’t have time to read magazines at all
9/25/2017 10:43 PM
I enjoy magazines on my mobile device because of the portability. I do enjoy the traditional aspect of holding and feeling my reading material.
9/25/2017 10:28 PM
9/25/2017 10:27 PM
Eh, I used to miss print magazines, but I’ve gotten use to them no longer being relevant
9/25/2017 10:16 PM
Magazines b wak dawg! i dont b buyin dem even doe my mama be lukin at dem sometime! yo why im even takin dis survey right now
9/25/2017 10:12 PM
Love Print, I understand the revenue is not what it once was, and lament the loss of print magazines. Digital versions are a weak substitute in my humble opinion
9/25/2017 10:10 PM
I like print better than digital
9/25/2017 10:09 PM
They were good
9/25/2017 9:51 PM
I prefer print
9/25/2017 9:47 PM
Print. All this digital shit is gonna give us brain cancer someday.
9/25/2017 9:43 PM
9/25/2017 9:39 PM
Prefer print but digital is easier when not st home or on break at work
9/25/2017 9:31 PM
9/25/2017 9:31 PM
I think magazines are over priced. I only buy them for airport/road trips. The last magazine I bought was a entrepreneur magazine.
9/25/2017 9:27 PM
I like and pay for both print and digital versions of magazines, including weekly, monthly and bi-monthly publications
9/25/2017 9:21 PM
While it is useful to be able to immediately read an article that was mentionned in a tweet, print is easier on the brain.
9/25/2017 9:20 PM
Still prefer print. But understand that digital is the future.
9/25/2017 9:07 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 8:54 PM
easier for me to keep up with things digitally
9/25/2017 8:45 PM
9/25/2017 8:38 PM
Old school….print
9/25/2017 8:34 PM
I don’t read magazines
9/25/2017 8:28 PM
9/25/2017 8:20 PM
There is a place in this world for both print and digital media, just personal preference when and how, sometimes it’s easier to go back and reference print media rather than trying to remember where you saw it online.
9/25/2017 8:19 PM
9/25/2017 8:13 PM
Adapt to the digital content generation revolution like Vice
9/25/2017 8:00 PM
I prefer print magazines, but I’ve noticed that the ones I would normally be interested in enough to purchase have gone up in price over the last few years. I love National Geographic or Popular Science, but not enough to pay 10 bucks for one.
9/25/2017 7:52 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 7:47 PM
Reading digital versions never work great online in my opinion
9/25/2017 7:42 PM
9/25/2017 7:37 PM
it’s dead no one trusts main stream media any longer. Not talking about Trump, but even before Trump declared his candidacy, the main stream news gave on average more air time to Clinton than to Bernie. That was a bitter pill to shallow for a “Green-Democratic Socialist” and I will forever snub news media.
9/25/2017 7:29 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 7:23 PM
Social media
9/25/2017 7:18 PM
Print is better. It’s always nice to have a physical copy laying around.
9/25/2017 6:49 PM
I prefer print. I’m only interested in online stuff if it is free.
9/25/2017 6:20 PM
9/25/2017 6:17 PM
Doesnt matter
9/25/2017 6:12 PM
Prefer print and social media
9/25/2017 5:52 PM
Best thing
9/25/2017 5:46 PM
Prefer ads to subscriptions
9/25/2017 5:41 PM
9/25/2017 5:34 PM
9/25/2017 5:33 PM
I find articles on magazine websites through news aggregator sites, mainly Reddit and Hacker News. When a site consistently has great articles (like Nautilus) I subscribe to them on the Apple News app, which I use for more extended reading. Absolutely no print, ever.
9/25/2017 5:30 PM
Prefer print. Easily portable and if my magazine and I get caught in rain or if I take it to rough terrain and it gets ruined, Im out a few dollars instead of a hundred for an electronic device.
9/25/2017 5:15 PM
9/25/2017 5:14 PM
print is better but just too much advertising to make you want to mess with most of them
9/25/2017 5:09 PM
None at this time
9/25/2017 5:06 PM
9/25/2017 5:01 PM
prefer social media
9/25/2017 5:01 PM
9/25/2017 4:54 PM
I like all kinds
9/25/2017 4:50 PM
9/25/2017 4:49 PM
9/25/2017 4:48 PM
I don’t use social media , and don’t look at any digital magazines , i buy a couple print ones every month
9/25/2017 4:45 PM
I like print versions.
9/25/2017 4:30 PM
9/25/2017 4:24 PM
9/25/2017 4:13 PM
I get a monthly professional magazine in print, but I often find myself reading it online
9/25/2017 4:12 PM
I prefer print, but I like the convenience of social media
9/25/2017 4:12 PM
I prefer print magazines, but if I felt compelled, I would read a digital version.
9/25/2017 4:03 PM
9/25/2017 4:02 PM
Just social media
9/25/2017 3:57 PM
not interested
9/25/2017 3:54 PM
9/25/2017 3:51 PM
Prefer print. Nice to physically hold something. Easier to digest too.
9/25/2017 3:48 PM
I don’t care for Magazines.
9/25/2017 3:42 PM
9/25/2017 3:27 PM
Print. I hate relying on an internet connection and the ads are infuriating.
9/25/2017 3:20 PM
I will read it if it’s free. Won’t do subscription
9/25/2017 3:17 PM
On scientific and technological content Magazines I definitely prefer print media. It can be copied for friends, cut out and shared, etc. I am okay with digital versions but dislike that so much ad content gets printed with the subject matter.
9/25/2017 3:03 PM
I’m thinking about trying them out now.
9/25/2017 2:58 PM
9/25/2017 2:55 PM
Easy to share print
9/25/2017 2:55 PM
Print is dated and will no exist in the decades to come. Digital is simply more convenient and easy to read through.
9/25/2017 2:54 PM
I prefer print magazines to digital versions. There are advantages to each format, however.
9/25/2017 2:54 PM
On Sat and Sunday Print during the work week digital
9/25/2017 2:52 PM
Prefer digital. I do nothing personal on Social Media due to their tracking of what I do.
9/25/2017 2:52 PM
9/25/2017 2:50 PM
I like print so much better
9/25/2017 2:50 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 2:47 PM
Willing to “donate” to some news magazines to keep them “free.”
9/25/2017 2:46 PM
Print only.
9/25/2017 2:46 PM
9/25/2017 2:45 PM
even in the areas (magazines) that interest me, I find that almost 90% of the material isn’t what I want to read or see for the most part.
9/25/2017 2:44 PM
I am not sure if this survey includes new magazines or just other magazines. Personally, I only read news papers or news articles via websites. If that is relevant to your survey then here are my high level thoughts: I like both mediums, I think that due to the advent of people being able to spread what they find to be most interesting to social media has pushed the news printers to write more articles based on what people think is important versus what a news organization thinks is important, whether that is good or bad I think that depends on who you ask. I think print and digital and social media are all starting to go that route versus informing us what they think is important
9/25/2017 2:42 PM
9/25/2017 2:40 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 2:37 PM
prefer print for general topics. News/sports/hobbies
9/25/2017 2:37 PM
Magazines – print are a dying breed. They used to have advertising. Nowadays they seem like you could line tge garbage with them.
9/25/2017 2:36 PM
I prefer print however digital is easier than going to a store.
9/25/2017 2:32 PM
Increasingly irrelevant, really…
9/25/2017 2:31 PM
prefer print as there is too much advertising on digital formats
9/25/2017 2:26 PM
SM is great for headlines and to keep the conversation going; but paper is best for reading
9/25/2017 2:26 PM
9/25/2017 2:26 PM
I prefer paper magazines for more collectable stuff.
9/25/2017 2:24 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 2:21 PM
9/25/2017 2:20 PM
Print is grwat to take with…digital only works if you WiFi connection which is iffy at times due to area
9/25/2017 2:19 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 2:18 PM
If I want to read the whole magazine I prefer print if I just focus on one topic or one particular writer social media or digital are fine
9/25/2017 2:18 PM
I prefer print. Social Media is merely excerpts of complete stories. To read the entire story you have to go to a website. I prefer to read paper versions.
9/25/2017 2:17 PM
I still prefer print, it’s a tangible thing.
9/25/2017 2:17 PM
I like a print magazine sometimes…I do not usually take the time to read them online at all
9/25/2017 2:16 PM
print is out and I like linking stories and news content via social media
9/25/2017 2:16 PM
Prefer print as you can see.
9/25/2017 2:16 PM
9/25/2017 2:14 PM
I don’t use social media for anything – social media serves no genuine purpose except to those who have some sort of addictive need.
9/25/2017 2:14 PM
I prefer print magazines. I do not participate in any social media.
9/25/2017 2:13 PM
print only
9/25/2017 2:10 PM
9/25/2017 2:08 PM
9/25/2017 2:07 PM
I still love the words in print however I am trying to move more towards digital
9/25/2017 2:02 PM
Prefer print..
9/25/2017 2:02 PM
9/25/2017 2:01 PM
I prefer print magazines
9/25/2017 1:59 PM
I prefer print!
9/25/2017 1:59 PM
I prefer Print.
9/25/2017 1:56 PM
Prefer print magazines. Easier to Browse, also adds stand out more in print magazines.
9/25/2017 1:53 PM
print is better
9/25/2017 1:53 PM
Prefer digital versions since I save old issues and never discard them, which takes up a lot of space in my house.
9/25/2017 1:52 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:50 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:49 PM
I prefer print but digital versions come in handy if I can’t carry too many things.
9/25/2017 1:47 PM
I prefer digital versions but most aren’t available for Kindle Fire which is what I own.
9/25/2017 1:47 PM
I like print. On a website you pick and choose only what sounds interesting. In print you may be exposed to things you never would have clicked on that turn out to be interesting
9/25/2017 1:44 PM
print is better
9/25/2017 1:44 PM
I prefer print. I read at work where electronics are prohibited for security reasons.
9/25/2017 1:43 PM
I prefer digital but because I receive some print, I will flip through them. Digital means I only see what I choose.
9/25/2017 1:42 PM
Magazines for me are still a guilty pleasure. The ability to turn the pages and enjoy the local content is something I treasure. Digital versions – I usually visit to re-examine or re-read a quote or note from a story when I don’t have the hard copy with me. Social Media is nothing more than another portal to connect with our local media outlets – albeit one that offers more of a two-way door as opposed to one-way communication.
9/25/2017 1:42 PM
Digital is much faster and easier to read.
9/25/2017 1:42 PM
9/25/2017 1:39 PM
Depends on magazine. Some (AD) have great features, video and photos you can fit in magazine.
9/25/2017 1:38 PM
Social media
9/25/2017 1:38 PM
Prefer Print. I do digital versions to reduce the clutter in my house.
9/25/2017 1:37 PM
I’m still a fan of both I like to be able to pull out inspirational or motivational pieces from the print version but I also like being able to email directly to clients or friends and family pieces from digital content
9/25/2017 1:37 PM
I still like print magazines! Easier to look through, larger than viewing on a cell phone
9/25/2017 1:36 PM
Prefer print news magazines
9/25/2017 1:35 PM
I prefer digital versions for obvious environmental reasons.
9/25/2017 1:35 PM
9/25/2017 1:35 PM
I will always prefer PRINT!
9/25/2017 1:34 PM
9/25/2017 1:34 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:34 PM
9/25/2017 1:34 PM
I like both. I’m kind of in that in between generation, where print was popular as well as digital
9/25/2017 1:33 PM
Prefer print for most magazines; use Consumer Reports both in print and on line.
9/25/2017 1:32 PM
looks good smells good
9/25/2017 1:32 PM
9/25/2017 1:32 PM
Print is easier to save for later when I have time to read. Digital I like because I can pick a story and post to other social media platforms. I still like old school print because I can see more of all the content available and feel like I miss some of it when I view via digital versions. I think the two compliment each other, too. I’ll see a printed story and find it digitally and then share it on social media.
9/25/2017 1:32 PM
9/25/2017 1:32 PM
9/25/2017 1:30 PM
I will always prefer print magazines over digital/social media. There’s something fantastic that draws me in to print media that computers/smart phones will never capture.
9/25/2017 1:30 PM
I prefer print as a means of reading, but I don’t like the waste of it and the build up of old magazines in my house, so I subscribe digitally when possible.
9/25/2017 1:29 PM
I still like the paper versions for convenience. I do read some online versions too.
9/25/2017 1:29 PM
9/25/2017 1:26 PM
losing faith in print media. Too much FAKE news. The media is destroying our country…
9/25/2017 1:24 PM
I stopped buying magazines because they all drank the liberal Kool-Aid, even prestigious magazines like Scientific American became liberal propaganda instead of science. I am an engineer/scientist; I can spot “fake news” in a heartbeat. The only time I end up on a magazine website is when I do a “blind click”, i.e. I am on Drudge or some other news aggregator website, and do not realize the link I am clicking on will lead me to a magazine. Plus, I don’t really pay any attention to what site I have landed on, whether it is a magazine or a newspaper, I simply read it if it isn’t fake news, which better than half of it is. If I am not “blind clicking”, I would never click on a newspaper or magazine from a blue city in a blue state. I actually prefer print magazines, but I have ZERO tolerance for fake news; just one article on the fake global warming, or something written lamenting Democrats losing, and I am gone forever.
9/25/2017 1:24 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:23 PM
The ink of The Economist smudges so I chose all digital for one of my favorite magazines
9/25/2017 1:23 PM
enjoy printed magazines best
9/25/2017 1:23 PM
just print
9/25/2017 1:21 PM
I prefer print, easier to ignore the ads.
9/25/2017 1:21 PM
I still generally prefer print magazines, however, digital issues arrive quicker and are very easy to access anywhere. I like a mix of both.
9/25/2017 1:21 PM
Print is better…recipes are easier to refer to for one thing. Nothing beats being able to thumb through a magazine relaxing in your favorite chair! If you want to reread an article it is much easier to have a paper version than having to pull it up online. Craft magazines are also much better in print version as you can easily compare several pages just using your fingers as bookmarks!
9/25/2017 1:20 PM
Digital magazines are ok but the quality available on my mobile devices is far inferior to print. I enjoy the physical action of opening a magazine, turning the pages, looking closer at select photos or illustrations; I even like leaving them laying about, spread open to where I left off, just waiting to be picked up and read some more when the mood is right!
9/25/2017 1:20 PM
Prefer Digital – save the trees
9/25/2017 1:20 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:20 PM
like print
9/25/2017 1:20 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:20 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:19 PM
If I did subscribe to magazines I would prefer print never digital.
9/25/2017 1:19 PM
9/25/2017 1:19 PM
I like print because sometimes I like to tear out interesting pages and I also pass them on to other people.
9/25/2017 1:18 PM
i still like to read a hard copy but for a quick news feed on news for the day I prefer the news feeds
9/25/2017 1:18 PM
9/25/2017 1:18 PM
I only read magazines while waiting in an appointment for entertainment.
9/25/2017 1:18 PM
Strongly prefer print for my own enjoyment.
9/25/2017 1:18 PM
Print and digital versions preferred.
9/25/2017 1:18 PM
Prefer print.
9/25/2017 1:17 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:17 PM
Liked print but moving away from it
9/25/2017 1:17 PM
i prefer print so that i can look at it at my leisure
9/25/2017 1:16 PM
Prefer print. I get tired of looking at a computer screen.
9/25/2017 1:16 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 1:16 PM
Print is easier. I’m not familiar with digital versions. I don’t do social media, outside of Linkedin
9/25/2017 1:16 PM
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
None @ this time…thank u…..
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
I don’t do social media at all.
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
I prefer digital versions and social media magazine content because it’s free.
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
no thoughts
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
I don’t look at magazines at all
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
I like having more control over what I read, e-mags I feel like I need to stay on if I visit and loose track of time when I’m on line.
9/25/2017 1:15 PM
9/25/2017 1:14 PM
I like information. If I can get at it through search engines, links in other articles and other aggregators, I really appreciate it. The big advantage to digital is that you don’t have to smell the fragrance ads!
9/25/2017 1:14 PM
I prefer digital magazines as I can get them on various devices and can save the content for later reference. Social media is handy for finding articles I am interested in.
9/25/2017 1:14 PM
Prefer print magazines which I read while eating meals.
9/25/2017 1:14 PM
Don’t like mags. Little content , 90% ads.
9/25/2017 1:13 PM
I like real magazines.
9/25/2017 1:13 PM
Print preferred. Easier to consume.
9/25/2017 1:13 PM
I like the print ones that I find in the store and only purchase the ones that interest me by subject or cover photo, Not familiar with the digital versions other than websites that interest me and I don’t look at them on social media.
9/25/2017 1:12 PM
I prefer print and I read them while relaxing
9/25/2017 1:12 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:12 PM
I like print
9/25/2017 1:10 PM
like both
9/25/2017 1:09 PM
9/25/2017 1:09 PM
Just social media
9/25/2017 1:09 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:09 PM
It depends on the type of magazine and its content as to whether it is better in print or digital. The content of solely digital media magazines does not appear to be well vented and fact checked as those that are also printed. I don’t follow magazines on Social Media because the accuracy of what is posted is likely to be poor.
9/25/2017 1:09 PM
I like printed, except that they pile up.
9/25/2017 1:08 PM
9/25/2017 1:08 PM
9/25/2017 1:08 PM
On social media, I click through to magazine stories only when the specific story is of particular interest to me. With my print magazines, I revisit them regularly and often read each story in the issue at some point. I find when I do read digital magazines, they don’t hold my attention nearly as long; I tend to scroll and scan, but rarely linger.
9/25/2017 1:08 PM
Prefer print for long term investment. Ability to look back for inspiration. Pictures.
9/25/2017 1:08 PM
I like print and digital equally but I don’t like to follow magazines on social. As social media platforms update their algorithms the more magazines and influencers I follow on social media the less I see posts from my friends and family so I’ve started unfollowing magazines and influencers as a way to counter act this measure.
9/25/2017 1:08 PM
I like print but it would be nice if they allow scanning a code to download a digital copy
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
I know print is going away, but I would rather have print than digital media
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
Strongly prefer reading print magazines.
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
I generally don’t read magazines, but if I’m waiting in my Dr.’s office I will browse through one.
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
Social media or digital works better because I always have my phone and can engage with a mobile version. I only buy print magazines now for flights (no connectivity and I am not downloading a magazine) or for by the pool – glare/water won’t be an issue.
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
I prefer print but hate the piles of old magazines so I get the appeal of the digital ones
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
social media
9/25/2017 1:07 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:06 PM
I like digital versions because then I am not left with a magazine that I have to recycle or otherwise dispose of.
9/25/2017 1:06 PM
I prefer print magazines…trying to switch to e-magazines since it is better for the environment
9/25/2017 1:06 PM
Prefer print, ok with digital, not crazy about Social Media.
9/25/2017 1:06 PM
I like the Social Media magazines as the algorithms have narrowed the topics to my interests.
9/25/2017 1:06 PM
Does not address news letters. Prefer print. I read digital on my phone or laptop. If sizes are not comfortable on one of these, it does not get read.
9/25/2017 1:05 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:04 PM
I prefer having all options available to me and others.
9/25/2017 1:04 PM
I used to love print magazines but found I wasn’t taking the time to read them (just had a baby) so we cancelled the subscriptions.
9/25/2017 1:03 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:03 PM
Prefer print due to mobility. Don’t like to read a lot on my smartphone.
9/25/2017 1:02 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:02 PM
9/25/2017 1:02 PM
Print is preferable, but cumbersome. Don’t need additional crap in my social media feed.
9/25/2017 1:02 PM
Did a broken record create this survey?
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
I still like print but websites offer more information that is more than the magazine could realistically print.
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
I like all methods.
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 1:01 PM
Ask about newsletters. They are a much better format for digitak
9/25/2017 1:00 PM
I don’t follow any digital magazens but I occasionally see and read stories where there are links on facebook.
9/25/2017 1:00 PM
Definitely prefer print. Sometimes it’s nice to simply flick thru paper. Also, they provide great benefit to school projects, and reference points without having to constantly hold your phone.
9/25/2017 1:00 PM
Love printed versions for the full content can save and then recycle in my art works
9/25/2017 1:00 PM
Digital just isn’t as satisfying as print. Harder to read, harder to keep interest. Print is something to pick up several times, even the ads are interesting in print. I gave up on digital. Tried some again just this week and still do not like them.
9/25/2017 1:00 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 1:00 PM
I look at them for what they are and what I can get out of them
9/25/2017 12:59 PM
I like the digital version now because it is stored electronically on my portable device versus cluttering up my home or office
9/25/2017 12:58 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:58 PM
I LOVE Texture and have a premium subscription!
9/25/2017 12:58 PM
Prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:58 PM
I will always prefer print
9/25/2017 12:58 PM
I prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:58 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:57 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:57 PM
9/25/2017 12:57 PM
Depends on where I am
9/25/2017 12:56 PM
I usually prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:56 PM
Prefer print – and at a minimum, in digital versions they should have printable articles!
9/25/2017 12:56 PM
Prefer print only!
9/25/2017 12:56 PM
I love print, but hate wasting paper. Still haven’t embraced digital yet…
9/25/2017 12:56 PM
I’m just lazy
9/25/2017 12:55 PM
9/25/2017 12:55 PM
Like them all just not enough time for all three.
9/25/2017 12:55 PM
9/25/2017 12:54 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:54 PM
I prefer print. Guess I’m old school but I like flipping through the shiny/glossy pages of a traditional magazine.
9/25/2017 12:54 PM
What is the difference between a digital magazine and it’s website??
9/25/2017 12:54 PM
Prefer print format–I can file them by my criteria, keep them as long as I want, and don’t have to hunt for them online.
9/25/2017 12:54 PM
I like print, but hey what are you going to do, so much is now only on web.
9/25/2017 12:52 PM
Prefer print and only read print. No social media in my life.
9/25/2017 12:52 PM
I definitely prefer print. I don’t like to “read” anything of any length online.
9/25/2017 12:52 PM
I prefer print magazines
9/25/2017 12:51 PM
I prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:51 PM
9/25/2017 12:51 PM
I like print and wish digital versions were easier to read.
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
I like a mix of the two depending on what I’m doing at the time. Print if I’m sitting outside in a lounge chair, digital if I’m commuting to work on the train.
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
I Like print magazines
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:50 PM
Mostly VICE on social media. My mother gets People magazine and I like to flip through the pages and do the crossword.
9/25/2017 12:49 PM
Prefer digital versions
9/25/2017 12:49 PM
Prefer print!
9/25/2017 12:49 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:49 PM
9/25/2017 12:49 PM
Nope! I have hobbies!
9/25/2017 12:49 PM
social media
9/25/2017 12:48 PM
9/25/2017 12:48 PM
I prefer SnapChat, unless it’s a recipe-heavy magazine, like Southern Living or Better Homes and Gardens, in which case I prefer hard copies.
9/25/2017 12:48 PM
9/25/2017 12:48 PM
I like print because if something interests me enough to keep it, I will tear it out of the magazine. I could print from the digital, but that just uses up my printer ink.
9/25/2017 12:48 PM
Both have their plus and minus. To make a recipe I prefer print. Digital magazine that is just a photo of the print I don’t like
9/25/2017 12:48 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
Prefer digital
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
I prefer print
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
socia media is good
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
Still prefer print….
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
Both media are important.
9/25/2017 12:47 PM
9/25/2017 12:46 PM
most magazines aren’t relevant to me anymore, but i used to enjoy some in print
9/25/2017 12:46 PM
Always prefer print – I get enough things online, I like to have a magazine in my hands! 🙂
9/25/2017 12:46 PM
no thoughts
9/25/2017 12:45 PM
I like digital the best, but I have to get more time in my day to read them.
9/25/2017 12:45 PM
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
Digital and Social Media magazines are much easier to come by.
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
I have eye trouble, I don’t read
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
Prefer print..it’s what I grew up with and am used to. Probably wont change at this point in life.
9/25/2017 12:44 PM
The Nation, Atlantic, New York Review of Books and Harpers – prefer print NYTimes magazine and Consumer Reports – prefer print Travel & Leisure – prefer digital
9/25/2017 12:43 PM
I only read magazines when I fly on airplanes, and I haven’t flown in the last month. I do fly about 4 or 5x per year.
9/25/2017 12:43 PM
I prefer print, holding the real thing!
9/25/2017 12:43 PM
9/25/2017 12:43 PM
prefer print – too much screen time bothers my eyes. Also I can carry print magazine with me easier since I do not use any electronic reader
9/25/2017 12:43 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:43 PM
I like social Media.
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
Print Magazines are much nicer, and there are so many articles you randomly see online, it’s hard to verify their authenticity and the quality of the author – scams are abundant. I trust print magazines more and I enjoy having hard copies.
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
Just social media
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
I like both print and digital magazines. I just do not always have the time to read them. I prefer magazines that deal with recipes and decorating.
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
9/25/2017 12:42 PM
None of the above.
9/25/2017 12:41 PM
Not everybody is on social media
9/25/2017 12:41 PM
I prefer print, so I can pick it up and put it down whenever/wherever around the house
9/25/2017 12:41 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:41 PM
9/25/2017 12:40 PM
Prefer print magazines.
9/25/2017 12:40 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:40 PM
digital provided they are formatted specifically for digital use.
9/25/2017 12:40 PM
There is still a need for some types of print magazines – crafts, how to’s, recipes, etc. For news type magazines, I prefer digital.
9/25/2017 12:40 PM
I prefer print magazines. I spend enough time on the computer just keeping up with emails, paying bills and Facebook. Don’t need to spend even more time glued to the screen.
9/25/2017 12:40 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:39 PM
9/25/2017 12:39 PM
I think print only
9/25/2017 12:39 PM
I Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:39 PM
I enter contests on magazine sites.
9/25/2017 12:39 PM
9/25/2017 12:38 PM
More likely to scan digital version at work. More likely to really focus on print magazine at home.
9/25/2017 12:38 PM
9/25/2017 12:38 PM
I prefer nude
9/25/2017 12:38 PM
I like Print
9/25/2017 12:37 PM
9/25/2017 12:37 PM
I prefer print when relaxing/at the gym. Online, I go to informative sites, not magazine sites.
9/25/2017 12:37 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:37 PM
I prefer print
9/25/2017 12:36 PM
I do prefer 1-2 print magazines at a time, it’s nice to read something that isn’t digital.
9/25/2017 12:36 PM
i prefer print…guess i’m just old school…i don’t do social media at all…
9/25/2017 12:36 PM
9/25/2017 12:36 PM
Digital magazines allow me to read them at home or on my phone and they do not kill trees.
9/25/2017 12:36 PM
Prefer print would like less advertising nonsense on social media
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
Prefer print. I indulge myself primarily in sports related magazines.
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
I prefer print magazines.
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
Prefer to hold & read magazines
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
Prefer digital
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
I prefer print magazines
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
I read books. I do not read magazines, not a huge fan of social media anymore!
9/25/2017 12:35 PM
9/25/2017 12:34 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:34 PM
Digital is definitely easier to get my hands on and more convenient, social media is probably pretty big for people to be able to know what a magazine has going on without having to pick it up.
9/25/2017 12:34 PM
I am older and prefer paper but for educational magazines prefer digital.
9/25/2017 12:34 PM
I like magazines but don’t make time to read them.
9/25/2017 12:34 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:33 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:33 PM
I do not have any topics that I would follow in magazines.
9/25/2017 12:32 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:31 PM
I will only read print magazines. I like to physically have the magazine in my hands!
9/25/2017 12:30 PM
9/25/2017 12:30 PM
9/25/2017 12:30 PM
Still prefer print!
9/25/2017 12:30 PM
prefer print. gives me a headache to read from computer screen for extended periods
9/25/2017 12:29 PM
I prefer print.. it makes it easier for me to mark the pages that I have items/issues I’m interested.
9/25/2017 12:29 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:29 PM
Love the in-depth reporting at the New Yorker
9/25/2017 12:29 PM
I am older and still prefer print!!! You can look at a magazine laying flat on a surface and have your hands free. AND it is easy to skip pages of no interest.
9/25/2017 12:29 PM
9/25/2017 12:28 PM
Always prefer print mostly because of ease of navigation and actually holding pictures in my hands.
9/25/2017 12:28 PM
Magazines that are widely available (like at grocery stores) don’t match my values, and you have to go out of your way to get the more specialized magazines. Seems like too much trouble when I can easily access specialty content online.
9/25/2017 12:28 PM
prefer print, bigger pages, easier to read, prettier pictures
9/25/2017 12:28 PM
Prefer PRINT…hate social media
9/25/2017 12:28 PM
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
I only like print. I like the tactile experience of turning the pages just like a physical newspaper.
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
I use Flipboard mostly….
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
Cooking magazines work best for me!
9/25/2017 12:27 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:26 PM
I like print
9/25/2017 12:25 PM
Prefer print. Most of my SM is I my phone, which doesn’t translate well to magazine format. If I had an Ipdad or similar device I might give digital more of a chance.
9/25/2017 12:25 PM
I prefer print. Just easier for me to stop and then go back to a page. Easier for me to carry and use anywhere.
9/25/2017 12:25 PM
I enjoy having a printed magazine in hand.
9/25/2017 12:25 PM
prefer print!!
9/25/2017 12:24 PM
9/25/2017 12:24 PM
prefer print
9/25/2017 12:24 PM
Prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:23 PM
I don’t do any social media.
9/25/2017 12:23 PM
I am old school. like the mag in my hand.
9/25/2017 12:23 PM
ALWAYS prefer PRINT magazines. Don’t have the want or need to do FACEBOOK, Twitter etc etc Have better things to do and I don’t care what you had for dinner last night!
9/25/2017 12:23 PM
9/25/2017 12:22 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:21 PM
Prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:21 PM
I like print
9/25/2017 12:21 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:20 PM
I like the ease of use of magazines on the computer but I like being able to crawl up on a comfy chair with a paper magazine.
9/25/2017 12:20 PM
Love the digital versions.
9/25/2017 12:19 PM
I don’t read magazines, but I would think you can eliminate print magazines.
9/25/2017 12:19 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:19 PM
9/25/2017 12:19 PM
9/25/2017 12:18 PM
Consumer Report is only magazine I waste time on
9/25/2017 12:18 PM
9/25/2017 12:18 PM
I prefer both digital and social media.
9/25/2017 12:18 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:18 PM
I prefer print but like supplementary things to be digital.
9/25/2017 12:18 PM
way to expensive for print / mostly advertizment
9/25/2017 12:17 PM
I generally go through links on social media, though I do enjoy Vanity Fair in print.
9/25/2017 12:17 PM
No thoughts
9/25/2017 12:17 PM
I’m concerned about content.
9/25/2017 12:16 PM
Prefer print, as I can tear out items to save.
9/25/2017 12:16 PM
I like the convenience of an online magazine and can pick and choose what links to click on and what articles to read, but print magazines are nice to browse and you may come across something unexpected.
9/25/2017 12:16 PM
9/25/2017 12:16 PM
I like the flexibility of reading the print mags. If I want to cut mags apart I can do it.
9/25/2017 12:15 PM
hate it
9/25/2017 12:15 PM
I’m really just a doctor’s-office magazine reader. I prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:15 PM
I prefer News magazines. I like printed magazines as generally I like to read them in bed.
9/25/2017 12:15 PM
prefer print only, too hard to read on a screen
9/25/2017 12:15 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:14 PM
Prefer Print
9/25/2017 12:14 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:14 PM
9/25/2017 12:14 PM
I prefer print magazines better
9/25/2017 12:13 PM
I prefer print
9/25/2017 12:13 PM
no overall preference.
9/25/2017 12:13 PM
9/25/2017 12:12 PM
Prefer Print because I can read it anytime & anywhere.
9/25/2017 12:12 PM
no social media, yuk
9/25/2017 12:12 PM
I think for the most part, the digital magazines are too expensive. There’s so many bargains out there for print magazines these days, that I can’t see spending more for digital versions.
9/25/2017 12:12 PM
Like both print & digital, for different reasons…
9/25/2017 12:12 PM
I like all mediums to view magazine.
9/25/2017 12:12 PM
Doesn’t matter depends on subject matter
9/25/2017 12:11 PM
I like print magazines
9/25/2017 12:11 PM
Sadly, I don’t see much of a use for Print Magazines anymore. I used to love them, but kept finding stacks of unread magazines so I cancelled all of my subscriptions. I don’t seem to have the time for digital magazines, but do look at 1-2 every once in a while.
9/25/2017 12:11 PM
prefer print but digital is better for the environment and more convenient
9/25/2017 12:11 PM
do not really follow either type – the closest thing would be seeing national geographic posts other people share on facebook
9/25/2017 12:11 PM
Strongly prefer print
9/25/2017 12:11 PM
I like to read them when I’m getting my hair done. Besides that, I don’t have time and don’t subscribe to any.
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Political and informational magazines, I often follow online. Art, gardening, and hobby magazines, I mostly own as print copies.
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
I really prefer print!
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Prefer print, always!!
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
I prefer print, but like digital and social media as well.
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Print is only way to go. HATE social media. Digital only as last resort
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Prefer print – hard to read onscreens – use digital text for quick survey of content
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Like to read words on paper. Articles on the internet I usually print out to read so I can take them with me.
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
I prefer print.
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:10 PM
Prefer print to the exclusion of digital, but do read some content from NEW YORKER website.
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
I still prefer print
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
Either is fine with me.
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
Prefer print
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
Digital versions are more convenient and accessible.
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
Prefer print versus digital. I don’t like being on my phone or device a lot and having something to physically read and hold is much better!
9/25/2017 12:09 PM
I like the print, I like to flip through pages.
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
print is best
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
I enjoy the digital magazines, but I prefer the print. Social media is a great outlet to market and promote magazines.
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
I prefer print
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
Getting to like digital versions the best.
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
I prefer print magazines.
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
Still subscribe to them, but never have the time to reas
9/25/2017 12:08 PM
I prefer print
9/25/2017 12:07 PM
I don’t like the carbon footprint of print magazines.
9/25/2017 12:07 PM
I prefer print but don’t have much time to read them.
9/25/2017 12:07 PM
9/25/2017 12:06 PM