Magazine Media and the Sweet Spot for Brands

redbulletinMarketing chatter lately may be all about video, but research shows there’s another channel that is more cost-effective for building your brand. 

Drop in on any marketing strategy meeting today and you’ll undoubtedly hear talk about video content. Yes, it’s the newest, hottest must-do, and that puts it in the uneasy position of being the next channel to implode under its own weight. So while the video bubble may be set to burst, a different channel is being crowned king of brand building.

“The study, conducted by Magnetic and Millward Brown, found that magazines score highly across five key metrics needed to drive brand growth – meets needs, brand affinity, uniqueness, sets trends and saliency,” writes the staff at in the article “Study reveals impact magazines have on brand growth.”

“Magazines delivered a +1.77% uplift in brand impact on consumers and a 1.53% uplift in achieving brand affinity – and were also found to be the second-best channel, behind cinema, for being a ‘targeted, premium channel’ that contributes to ‘uniqueness’,” the article continues, referring to a recent report from Magnetic and Millward Brown.

“The data undoubtedly shows that the medium excels at helping brands differentiate, which in turn has a profound effect on growth. We recommend the marketing and media community consider how brands need to go beyond just being noticed and to make better use of the most cost effective channel for driving brand impact,” recommends Magnetic’s Sue Todd.

Why does a print title deliver such a punch? It could be that in today’s overly saturated digital landscape, differentiation is more critical than ever. And what better way to differentiate that to use print magazines as a content marketing vehicle?

“We encourage brands to look at the way being different can generate sustained growth and consider the significant impact magazines have across all of the attributes which help build brand equity,” said Millward Brown’s Graham Page.

It’s a marketing truism: Being different means standing out and making an impact. And the way to do that best, the research shows, is via magazine media. Sweet.