As print’s place in the multi-channel marketing strategy evolves, so do the questions our sales teams and our customers have. Earlier this week I shared my thoughts on D. Eadward Tree’s excellent post “8 Ways Media Sales Reps Can Increase Print’s Value in an RFP.”
One of Tree’s suggestions was to create a library of resources for the sales team, to help them understand the new realities… and possibilities… of print. (Those resources are also excellent for sharing with your customers and ad partners.)
Here’s another great resource to add to your team’s quiver – The Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing from the smart folks at Marketing Charts, sponsored by Gunderson Direct. (It’s a free download.) The stats and charts in this deck will make it easy to share the story of print in a multi-channel world.
“Direct mail is dead READ! Direct mail is back and driving more response than ever! Improvements in targeting, printing, attribution analytics and multi-channel experiences have propelled direct mail to a top performing channel for marketers,” notes the foreword from Gunderson Direct, sponsor of the report.
A few of the key points you’ll find: (All images below courtesy of Marketing Charts)
Direct mail response rates lead all direct media
Most of us still pay attention to direct mail
Trust in direct mail is high across generations
Direct mail is a top influencer for affluent households and Baby Boomers
Direct mail is also critical to B2B marketing strategies
Once your customers know the facts – that direct mail does indeed work really well in a comprehensive multi-channel campaign – you’re halfway home. Download the full report and share it with your team and your customers and educate them to the realities of print today.