Dads – love them, admire them, and make fun of their fashion sense. This new magazine nails it.
First, there were Mom Jeans, and now this:
“Everyone has someone in their life who wears sweaters and makes bad puns,” writes Jaya Saxena and Matt Lubchansky in a recent press release. “This is in honor of that person,” they continue, referring to the launch of the new parody title Dad Magazine.
“They first debuted the concept on the feminist humor site The Toast in 2013—the series ran more or less monthly as covers for a fake magazine for dads,” explains this post in Quartz. “They advertised articles like ‘White socks with dress shoes: Come on, nobody will notice,’ and ‘You voted! 2013’s artist of the year is: oh, Steely Dan again.’”
The three-year-long running joke has turned into a serious publishing venture by Quirk Books. The photography looks slightly reminiscent of L.L. Bean meets J. Peterman with a wry grin, and the editorial sendups are hilarious.
To all the dads out there, and all the people who love them (and giggle behind their backs), this is a treat. If you’re still looking for the right gift for Father’s Day, you may have just found it. You’re welcome. Love you, Dad.