Magazines have a keen edge over other forms of media when it comes to creativity and advertising. According to Sue Todd of Magentic, “Publishers have always cared about great content and strong advertising creative plays a significant part in this.
“Ads for magazine readers are an intrinsic part of the audience experience and are the most welcomed format,” Todd continues, citing research from Adobe that shows UK consumers prefer print ads over any other kind.
“This close relationship between advertising creativity and audience explains why publishers have a vested interest in best-in-class advertising quality and are passionate about the ads that they carry – a commitment which encourages higher creative standards,” Todd asserts.
Examples of print ad creativity are everywhere, and Todd believes it’s up to all of us in the industry to acknowledge creative greatness when we see it – whether from our own house or others.
“The whole media industry needs to focus on the solutions that it has created. So let’s be proud and stand tall, shout at the top of our voices about the incredible and innovative work that is around us,” Todd notes.
The world of content publishing and magazine media is changing daily. But as Todd notes, “excellent work will always be excellent work.”
This creative edge – when it is fostered and encouraged in our own companies – is the best competitive weapon we could have.