[responsive][/responsive]Born with technology at their fingertips, today’s teens are truly digital natives, learning to speak the language of social media and digital discovery as easily as learning to talk. Yet, somewhat surprisingly, they prefer to read books in print according to recent data from Nielsen Research.
“While younger readers are open to e-books as a format, teens continue to express a preference for print that may seem to be at odds with their perceived digital know-how,” notes this article from Nielsen.
The reasons are not entirely clear. According to Nielsen it could be one of any number of factors, including their parents’ preference for print or a lack of access to a credit card for online purchases.
Still another reason could be “teens’ penchant for borrowing and sharing books rather than purchasing them, which is easier to do in print. Over half of teens are still looking for books on library or bookstore shelves. And in-store browsing is about level with browsing online for this group,” the article continues.
To be sure, their path to discovery is typically digital, via media channel like Facebook and Twitter. And they are not shy about sharing their reading, with 45% of teens saying they are “at least moderately influenced” by what their online communities are reading. But when it comes time to curl up and read, they lean toward print.
One concern for both digital and print publishers is that reading for pleasure among teens has slowed in recent years, probably due in large part to all the electronic distractions (social media, games, smartphones and the rest.) Maybe it’s time to put more books in our kids’ hands and let them go.
March 13, 2015, 5:40 am
Sadly, despite leading http://www.yudu.com a Digital App company, from personal experience, I have to agree.
My youngest 17yr old daughter still carries a literal mountain of books to college every day then complains she can’t fit them all in the locker, and those are just the ones she has been able to attain. Endless store and online searching for hard to get curriculum books (never ceases to amaze me they are out of stock) results in frustration and tears (guess that’s just the teenage years).
“I can get this as a PPF right now for you” comments are scowled at with a response in teenage grumble language that translates to something like “you don’t understand dad” Ugh.
So yes, I see with my own eyes this scenario, but of course there are always 2 sides to a coin, I see our clients statistics generating large downloads and sales of HTML5 and App based books, and the trend continues to grow,
maybe another generation is needed, I see my young grandson entertained with a device you put your iPhone in
(to protect it) and enjoying multi-media books on the iPad (supervised of course !), for now at least I think the 2 worlds of Print and Digital happily co-existing
March 13, 2015, 8:26 am
Thank you for your comment Les! Print and digital solutions continue to evolve. As long as we each make strategic moves to serve our audience with the best technology, print and digital can be successful for decades to come.
March 13, 2017, 10:22 am