Marketing mailers, the rate changes are coming.
The USPS has filed proposed 2020 rate changes with the Postal Regulatory Commission. If approved, they’ll go into effect on January 26, 2020.
Already approved by the Board of Governors (which for the first time in five years can finally reach a quorum), the proposal recommends an average increase of around 2% across the board, with specific rate increases for these popular business mail categories:
What do the new rates mean for catalogers and other print mailers? Beyond adjusting your mailing budgets, we have a few suggestions:
- Build as much lead-time into your mail campaigns as possible, and talk to your mail provider upfront on ways to economize on postage costs. (Pro tip: you may be able to save on paper costs this way too.)
- Be diligent about list hygiene to eliminate waste.
- Consider taking advantage of USPS postal promotions to save money.
- Use co-mailing services when available.
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