How to Actually Remember What You Read Online

All the info, without all the noise, in user-friendly format: That’s what  UK company PaperLater is providing, saying they “allow people to enjoy reading all the great writing the web has to offer in a calmer, less distracting format,” according to Mary Beth Griggs of

Given the constant deluge of content we are subjected to online, it’s hard to remember what you’ve read, let alone save it for later for a longer read or reference.

“Now instead of just saving online articles to read later, you can create your own newspaper,” Griggs notes.

Like other “read later” services, it’s simple to use.

“When you find an article you like, you click a button in your browser that saves it. Then, when you have all the articles you want, you hit print. Within 3 to 5 days a newspaper will show up in the mail, with all your stories printed on newsprint,” explains Griggs.

The newspaper will set you back £4.99, including postage.

Why will people use this? As Griggs notes, “Well, for one, reading in print might actually help readers remember what they’ve read.”

It’s a fantastic concept, and we will watch the beta testing and see how this goes. Sounds like something we would definitely use around here.