Empowered consumers move beyond the digital versus print debate; what they seek is a tailored, inspiring experience.
Digital versus print? It’s the ongoing and heated debate for those of us in the industry. But to the consumers we are all trying to reach, it’s a moot point.
“Despite the rapid growth of online content, consumers are actually seeing no significant divide between digital and traditional media,” writes Tom Sikora in The Business Journals .
“In fact, when it comes to when and how they consume content, what they want is greater flexibility and convenience,” he continues, citing new research from PricewaterhouseCoopers.
“The experience outweighs the delivery platform, and media that combines relevancy with inspiring, personalized content will ultimately deliver the impact marketers crave,” Sikora continues, call this a “win for print” because of print’s unique ability to make an emotional connection.
“Custom-designed printed materials, in particular, captivate the eyes and hearts of an audience. Distinctive features such as unique inks, foiling techniques, die cuts, folds and textures help brands deliver positive, engaging and powerful results that increase promotional efforts,” Sikora notes, emphasizing print’s ability to make an emotional connection.
And for brands looking to engage, that emotional connection is the lifeblood.
We say it all the time; digital absolutely has a place in a multi-channel approach. But it can’t replace – now or ever – the ability of print to engage.