“At our core, we are a company focusing on lived experience, on games as part of culture, on games in life.”
Why would a company like Kill Screen – devoted to the gaming universe so heavily rooted in digital – decide that now is the time to relaunch their print magazine?
Because, as this article from the Kill Screen staff notes, “we don’t want to look at games in a vacuum, siloed off from other parts of our lives. At our core, we are a company focusing on lived experience, on games as part of culture, on games in life.”
The magazine started in print back in 2009. Now, in 2016, an important part of that culture is undeniably the print experience.
“We love the smell of ink. Beautiful art excites us. We enjoy flipping a book’s pages, just glancing at them as they flap by, choosing a place to start reading. We feel a little pride having something beautiful on our coffee tables, on our shelves, even on the back of our toilets,” the article continues.
“We thrill at finding something in our mailboxes. The new Kill Screen print magazine is another way to engage games and meaningful discourse about games, but from a distance; not playing, or leaning into the screens, but with a book in our hands.”
The bottom line is that the staff at Kill Screen believe their company “is at its best in print, and that reading about games in a physical book may actually help us appreciate games more.”
What a great way to look at the intersection of gaming and print. Issue 9 hits the stands in mid-August, after being backed by a successful Kickstarter campaign (a trend worth noting as niche titles continue to bloom in many categories, not just games.)
Check out the full article for a discount code on the relaunch, and get something besides a game controller between your hands this summer.