[responsive][/responsive]Call it the “farm to page” concept of publishing. Meredith is partnering with Beekman 1802 to launch a new lifestyle magazine called the Beekman 1802 Almanac.
“Beekman 1802 was started in 2008 when former advertising exec Josh Kilmer-Purcell and his partner Brent Ridge, who used to be VP of Martha Stewart’s Healthy Living, bought the historic Beekman farm in upstate New York,” notes Bill Mickey in Folio:. “The pair worked with local farmers and artisans to launch a mercantile. A reality TV program debuted shortly after.”
“The Beekman 1802 Almanac will combine all of those elements into a curated collection of farm-to-page content—gift ideas, country cooking recipes, entertaining and gardening tips and so on—inspired by 19th century-style almanacs,” Mickey continues.
Fans of the reality TV show “The Fabulous Beekman Boys” will surely go for this idea. And it’s backed by a model that works; the Martha Stewart Living deal was handled in much the same way, Mickey explains. Meredith will handle production and distribution, while Beekman will work the editorial side. Both companies, Mickey notes, will sell ads and split that revenue.
You can bet we’ll be watching for the 96-page Fall/Winter premiere issue to hit the newsstands tomorrow. And we’ll probably skip lunch while we devour it all. Our bet is this is a hit.