Search Results for: "audience-first"

81 total results

Men’s Health Editor Embraces the Audience-First Approach
New editor-in-chief brings a clear focus: “It’s all about the reader.” When Matt Bean started as an associate editor for Men’s Health, the digital revolution was in its early stages. He grew with the technology and was in charge of...
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The Audience-First Movement in Publishing
Forget “digital first” or “print first.” It’s not about you or your platform; it’s about your audience.  For the better part of the last decade, it seemed like technology was in the driver’s seat in the publishing industry. Any technological...
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Hoffman on Print’s Key Feature … “It’s Invited In”
If you follow my writing with any regularity, you know I’m a huge proponent of the audience-first ideal in publishing. Your audience is everything, and that point has been hammered home this past year. Publishers who get it — and...
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Print Led vs Digital Based & Why It Matters
It’s getting exceedingly rare for a brand to exist solely in print. Digital-first and e-commerce brands are embracing print, knowing readers are wired for tangible experiences. Conversely, even Monocle, the brand that famously eschewed social media five years ago, has a...
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FIPP’s 2020 Congress and the Future of Publishing
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The FIPP World Media Congress 2020 launched last week as a month-long digital event, billed as an opportunity to learn from the world’s leading media executives. While attendees of the yearly event no doubt miss the fun of being live...
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What Writer’s Digest Can Teach Us All About Readers
Writer’s Digest, celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, is thriving. “Its secret is a resilience combined with a genuine desire among the team to inspire, educate and connect writers, as cited in the Writer’s Digest’s media kit,” writes Mary Hogarth...
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The New Relevance of Printed Words on a Page
Audience first. It’s been a mantra around here for years now, since Samir “Mr. Magazine” Husni did such a great job of explaining the importance of putting your audience’s needs first, rather than rushing to embrace what’s new. In the...
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Real Estate Title Hits the Fabulous Forties
When RISMedia created the National Relocation & Real Estate Magazine in 1985, it aimed to connect and educate industry pros in the relocation niche. “For a bargain $2.25, National Relocation & Real Estate, then a quarterly periodical, gave our readers...
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Bauer Media Once Again Shows Us All How it can be Done
When it comes to secret sauce, Bauer Media seems to have it. They are proving yet again that brands can still thrive in print magazines, through audience-based innovation that builds adoring fans and happy advertisers. The latest news? Two of...
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There’s Strength in Diversity in Indie Publishing
For publishers who want to learn the latest best practices and new opportunities, you can’t go wrong attending Making Publishing Pay in London this February. This year’s event includes four indie publishers that have successfully revamped their business models. As...
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