Freeport Press Blog

Insights and industry news from
printing experts

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You communicate to your audience in a variety of ways. We write about a variety of media formats and communication tools with an emphasis on print. We also cover paper and distribution, the USPS, social media, and more. We hope you’ll find enlightening posts that can enhance and educate you and your business.

The Atlantic on Why Fashion Magazines Matter
[responsive][/responsive]The words of this anonymous critic of fashion magazines might have been written just yesterday:...
The Editors Guide to Brand Publishing in the New World
“Telling great stories is always an editor’s top priority, but working with a brand adds...
The Kitchen Table Factor: Why Print Mail Trumps Digital
In any customer relationship, attention, relevance, trust and access are critical to success. If you...
New Hires A Problem at USPS
In the past four years, average base pay at the USPS has dropped by 4%....
Digital Media, You Have Curation Problem
Among magazine readers, the preference for print goes way beyond a simple romance with the...
What’s Keeping B2B Publishers Awake at Night?
[responsive][responsive]As publishers make the shift to magazine media companies, they are faced with a whole...
7 Reasons Magazines Belong in Your Media Plan
[responsive][/responsive]Can magazines play an effective part of my marketing campaign? This question is being asked...
Print Deniers Living in “Cloud Cuckoo Land” Says One Digital Evangelist
[responsive][/responsive]Matthew Buckland, a self-proclaimed “digital evangelist” and owner of a digital agency, is on a...
Barney Goes Print; Fashionistas Will Go Wild
[responsive][/responsive]Yet again, a high end fashion retailer is launching a print title, based on the...
Why App Publishers May Need to Think Differently
[responsive][/responsive]Do you publish an app for your business, brand or service? If so, “5 key...